Going Places...Getting Somewhere.

In the next week, I'm working with the Compton Initiative.
A lot of planning, drawing, coloring, tracing and painting will be going on in prep for the workday on
July 30th, 2011.  If your interested in volunteering:
check out what they are about:  The Initiative and sign up.
I've been working with the Initiative for about a year and a half now.
This will be my first time leading the mural department with a friend of mind Adelle Nieves.
It's anticipatory to know you'll have like a hundred volunteers under your umbrella.
This is what all of the buildings look like.
It's pretty grey and white everywhere!
Not the best learning environment for kids
The concept for Anderson Elementary School is about Going Places...and Getting Somewhere.
We are designing murals to encourage and inspire education, imagination, and innovation.
We want the kids to think, feel, acknowledge, and live their dreams, not just daydream about it.
It's one thing to want higher education or a passionate full life,
but to actually attain and achieve it is a different story.

Dreams: The Highest Kite You Can Fly,
pencil on graphics 360, 7" by 33"
I Know I Can,
pencil on graphic 360, 7" by 51"
This is just a glimpse of what will be done.  More to come post July 30th.


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