Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Sp

Entrance from underground parking lot
Ambiance before stepping into work
Blue Woodie, 4 ft. by 8 ft., December 2011
Hallway into Clocking in, a combination of painted vignettes and
historic photographs of Huntington Beach.
Entrance door to main employee hallways.
Surf Culture of Huntington Beach.
Lifestyle, Careers, and Mom and Pop Shops in Huntington Beach.
The past and the present of Huntington Beach.
Before Huntington Beach was developed into a city,
orange groves lined PCH.
Thrive Mural (panorama), 38.5 ft. by 8.5 ft.  June 2011.
Thrive Mural (hallway perspective).
Breakers (panorama), 40 ft. by 8.5 ft.  December 2011.
Entrance to Breakers Cafe, a tranquil cafe where employees rest and eat.
Brearkers Mural (hallway perspective).

 Thank you Kyle Ng Photography for your professional photos and good eye.


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